Who are you?


Most of Crandall's creative art work is based in Albany, NY,where she works and lives now. Crandall finds inspiration in many places such as the people and places she has grown up in, which has influenced her creative style and process. She creates art to explore self and the concept of identity. Crandall specializes in oil paint and colored pencil and focuses on the black woman and the concept of identity. She also enjoys working with different print making processes and clay. Her art style is Illustrative and colorful. Crandall is motivated by family , friends, self, and how that effects and defines her. She has been creating art for 6 years. Artists she draws inspiration from are Kara walker, Daniella Dooling. Crandall finds their work to be exploratory and narrative driven much like her own.

“ I intend for others to experience myself and a sense of curiosity in who others are to themselves when they see my work.”